We stand for equality in everything we do. Our existence is due to the global inequalities that affect developing nations and the local inequalities that limit the opportunities that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds have to live happy and fulfilled lives. Gender equality is at the forefront of our decision-making and is not sacrificed by alternative successes. We promote inclusive activities and opportunities regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability or sexuality; and are committed to remain non-religious and impartial to ensure this principle is achieved.
Not Causing Harm
We acknowledge the potential to cause harm, both in our actions and the perceptions we create by being a UK based charity in Uganda. We actively work to remove stereotypes that exist from the UK towards Uganda (and sub-Saharan Africa more generally), by promoting a positive image of the country in which we work and by not creating an over-reliance or expectation of support from the UK. This means if there is a possibility of causing harm, we will choose to do nothing (or cease to exist) rather than doing something for the sake of it. This includes not over-staying our welcome. We intend to operate for only as long as we are needed to empower the local team to be self-reliant, allowing them to build their own version of success. For this reason we are currently developing a five-year plan to upskill our local team, establish the organisation in Uganda and then withdraw to a more advisory role.
Creativity is a tool for personal and professional development that is largely lacking within formal education in Uganda at present (and probably is under-valued in the UK too). We believe developing creativity is essential for young people in Uganda to not only improve their happiness, but to support them in creating entrepreneurial activities that will help them find employment and a more sustainable livelihood, particularly with the lack of more formal employment.
We bring communities together, empowering them to impact on their own wellbeing. By developing the skills and motivation of individual members within the community, we look to improve the community cohesion and forge a mentality within the young people that working together can improve the wellbeing not only of themselves, but of their wider community.
Capacity Building
We are working to build capacity in our local team to take ownership for the organisation and its work in Uganda. We believe our role in the UK is finite and the success of our work depends on training local staff to deliver the right services and support for local people. Our role is in building the capacity for local people to be the drivers of the change.
We work with local partner organisations on the ground rather than starting up new projects of our own. We look to add value to existing projects, utilising the knowledge and networks of local organisations within disadvantaged communities; and work with the communities themselves to build success.